pillowHeat x sneakers MAG ¬ under the RADar ¬ paninaro hipsters! ~ the history of vans x wp lavori in corso August 11 2015

pillowHeat x sneakers MAG ¬ under the RADar ¬ collab experiments! ~ the history of vans collaboration May 18 2015
Here Under the RADar we seek to bring to a wider audience the (arts &) crafts of the Vans back catalog which flew low & barely registered on the radar of radical. We dig deep for the long lost narratives & day-to-day operations of the van doren rubber company which seemingly went unnoticed & somewhat unloved. Often these products & pasttimes (such as ankle guards, factory-to-you customs or friction scenes) were taken for granted at the time however proved to be pioneering & light years ahead. Another trail that was blazed by Vans that would prove profoundly influential was their early work in collaborative efforts
pillowHeat x sneaker freaker ¬ BIG SHOES TO FILL ~ the history of vans clown shoes March 28 2015

pillowHeat x sneakers MAG ¬ under the RADar ¬ scene & not herd! ~ the history of vans print & friction scene March 06 2015
printed canvas has played a huge part in the evolution of the vans brand however to tell the story we have to set the 'scene' so to speak....
pillowHeat x sneakers MAG ¬ under the RADar ¬ vans peanuts collection review/comparison August 31 2014
pillowHeat x sneakers MAG ¬ under the RADar ¬ changing of the guard ~ the history of vans ankle guards July 19 2014

style profile ¬ DOGTOWN & Z-BOYS February 13 2013
If there was ever 1 solid #style44 #vansauthentic & 1 2-tone #style95 #vansera that embody the spirit of the brand...what colours would they be?
style profile ¬ VANS style #36 old skool October 22 2012
we are the 1st to admit our having overlooked style #36 & somehow allowed it to roll smooth like a silent assassin under our own internal RADar....